Expedición a la Patagonia



  1. Show the amazing underwater ecosystem of Patagonia, which has the largest kelp forests in the world. These kelp forests play a crucial role in facing the challenges posed by climate change, the loss of biodiversity and the pollution of the seas.
  2. Highlight the fragility of this unique ecosystem and its potential impact on the planet as a whole, in order to inspire urgent action by the global community to safeguard our world's priceless natural wonders and to ensure a sustainable future for all.

Chile's natural resources make this vast coastal country a crucial player in the fight against climate change. The underwater depths of Chilean Patagonia are home to the most extensive forests of kelp algae, which act as carbon sinks with an absorption capacity of this gas, and consequent emission of oxygen into the atmosphere, up to 20 times greater than that of the forests. tropical. Protecting these extensive underwater forests means not only defending regional biodiversity but, at the same time, combating climate change.

However, we are faced with the challenge of taking a deeper look at that region and communicating its importance for conservation. Collaboration between organizations such as “Mission Blue” and “Sea Legacy” can serve to raise awareness and mobilize various actions.

To show the world the importance of this vital natural heritage, the "2023 Chilean Patagonia Expedition" was born, led by Sylvia Earle, Max Bello, Sam Kretchmar, Andy Mann and Juan A. Romero, five significant world-famous figures in conservation marina, with the intention of exhibiting the positive impact of kelp forests for our planet.

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patagonia kelp
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